Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Writing to Explore Final

The Ronald McDonald House's (RMHC) mission is to find or create programs that directly improves the health and well-being of children. In this mission they hold several core values that help the RMHC complete this mission.
  • Focusing on the critical needs of children.
  • Celebrating the diversity of the programs offered and the staff, volunteers and donors who help out.
  • Staying true to a 35 year heritage of being responsible stewardship.
  • Operating with accountability and transparency.

The House focuses on children espically, because in their vision if a childs life is changed or made better, the family well being is positivly effected. Because they focus on the children they strive to keep families together for treatment and rehabilitation. RMHC Houses have playrooms and private rooms for the children to stay in for as long as they are treated. The fees for the rooms ranges from $5 - $25 per room per night because of the many private donanations given around the world. No one is ever turned away from treatment. If a family is unable to pay, their fees are waived and care is given for free.

RMHC has donation boxes in every McDonalds along with the private and corporate donations they recieve. Everything from food and toy donations, to soda can tabs are accepted as donations. McDonalds has been the largest corporate donator for over 35 years and the in store donation boxes held in McDonalds are the largest donations to the RMHC. Even though McDonalds is the largest donator, the RMHC can not run solely on McDonalds contributions.

The RMHC asks the community to give and to help out in anyway that they can afford, whether that be money, time, or items any contribution is greatly appriciated

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