Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Personal Response Paragraph

Chapter 1:
Rhetoric: "The art of using language effectively." -C. Brooks; R. P. Warren
I begin with this quote because I felt it sums up the entirety of the section in a single sentence. Language is the medium in which humans converse and exchange ideas. To call language anything else would be rather round-a-bout. Since the cradle, our parents, family members, and friends have shaped how we formulate sounds and our selection of words or phrases i.e. "y'all". Typically a southern phrase, the conjunction of you all is part of a southerns culture and heritage.
Writing however, has no place for this word. Writing gives pause to the instantaneous thoughts that are spoken casually in conversation. I do not speak as I write, one because its rather formal and its structure may intimidate others, and two, if someone were to hear me speaking this way.....they may never speak to me again. Yet, the language in writing forces people to comprehend the very essence of the writers inner thinkings. This comprehension in some small way alters the readers thinking patterns. They become filled with the authors thoughts as they read on and they can lose themselves in the authors dialect.
The section of Rhetorical Knowledge contains a bold heading of rhetorical situation. That paragraph I believe has the most impact of chosing to speak profoundly, or to speak casually in all facets of communication, including writing. Of when and where to speak with authority, or when to speak intructionally. As the paragraph reads, "To write for others successfully, then, you need to determine how to adapt your writing to meet their expectations and needs."

Chapter 4:
Fiction books have captivated the imaginations of many, from youthful to elderly. Most fiction however has greater purpose behind the tall tales than their colorful imagery. The author choses his or her audience, declares a valid purpose, and then immortalizes their thoughts into texts.
Immortality......such a profound word. We all seek it, but it is only given to few. The people of today want nothing more than what people have always wanted, to be heard. Bloggers, authors, comedians, activists, all seek some sence of purpose in their writings and messeges.
The book even gives examples of such people, like Mr. Russell Baker. A brief autobiography about the road to becoming an author. He shares his lifes story for his readers to comprehend his struggle on becoming a successful author. One to give insight on lifes endeavors, and two to forever give his life to the continuum of time.

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