Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Taking Root

1: In what ways was writing depicted in this film?
Writing will do many things to inspire, but writing is just simply the abstract formulation of an idea. Sometimes, action is called upon and the sword must be mightier than the pen. The sword in this instence is not a battle persay, but a physical action. Maathai's action was to constantly protest and activly replant entire forrests. The writings given were bias ranging from dipicting Maathai as a saint, to a she-devil not to be trusted.

2: What kind of power did the writing have?
Influence. Nothing more, nothing less. The people reading the words can take them in whatever way they see fit, but the author can usually persuade those who read their words into thinking as the author thinks. Friends would not even greet Maathai in the streets because of the bad reputation she had been given, when in reality she was one of the only ones trying her best to make the world a better place.

3: What does it mean to take action?
I define action as the physical event people partake in to change the physical world they live in. Now that definition is a little textbook, but when seriously considered it covers all facets that action can be applied to. From moving a cup of water from the table to your mouth, that action transfers the water to your stomache, and thus to your nutrition. Action in the sence of the movie has been one persons life long struggle to better their and many others world by physically planting trees, and protesting the overwhelmingly oppressive government. Through Maathai's actions, she inspired others to do similar acts, and finally take thier own lives in their hands to shape how they see fit, hopefully for the best.

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