Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chapter 13 PRP

This chapter was mainly about creating a structurally sound essay, and by developing ideas within paragraphs. The section on switching to a new paragraph I found most helpful, because over the years of writing finding where to stop and start ideas has always bee a challenge for me. To have those tips on concluding my ideas into seperate paragraphs will be most valuable to me. The connective words section is bennificial, but as I was reading it seemed that too much of these types of words will just make fragmented and run-on sentences.
My main weakness in writing is explination and detail. In my stories I will touch on idas, but I don't usually go into depth in explaining everything. This leaves the story vauge and not very descriptive. While rereading the peice, I will read the lines and my mind automatically fills in the gaps my story leaves. To define this, I write in more of a note taking format rather than a story telling one. I need the most work on this part of writing.

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