Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Genre and Design

I would define this article as one that is revealing, but no more than need be. Blogs are ment to tell the story of what that person experienced. The interview, calling their friends, drinking a few beers its all part of what everyday normal people attend to and as such people can relate easily to the peice.

I believe it became common when viewers began to leave huge ammounts of comments about how good the peice was and how good of a blogger they are. Because of the raised self esteem I think the bloggers began to reccomend other articles like their own so the readers are constantly intrested. The blogger gets more views, and the readers are happy -win win.

I was intrested when the writer began to talk about how they called their family and friends. Its hard not to relate to someone who shows such excitement about landing a job.

I wouldn't read more of this reader because it is their life, and I have my own. Im not the type of person to be gossipy and into everyones business even if they willingly offer it.

I wouldn't include things such as crazy out of control parties/drug useage if there was any. Really leave out anything that is potentially incriminating by officals. Half naked pictures for the ladies may land them the job, but on a whole seperate set of circumstances that im sure the girl didn't want.

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