Thursday, August 6, 2009

Final In Class Writing

The showcase was fun in its own right. I enjoyed moving around and viewing everyones different projects. One thing I would change is the length of time that we had in switching sides. It didnt seem like there was enough time to fully view and review 4 projects. My favorite part was when Aleshea came to give us a little performance. The reviews as expected were sort of taken jokeingly. Friends gave friends 4's and 5's and I dont think anyone really got below a 3 in anything. Thanks for the cookies and coffee, they were delicious

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Peer review Writing to Analyze

Our video wasn't shown yesterday in class so i cant for sure say how everyone would have like it. I can speculate that everyone would have thought it to be a pretty comical film. We need to still get the permission forms from the extra actors. If anything I think we could have used another skit for picking up trash.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Analyze Status

We still have to edit the video, the camera has not been able to link up to any computer. We may have to reshoot the video from a webcam and edit it that way.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Dear Jill,

I try to complete my assignments when I learn of their existence. Roughly I get about 80 percent or so of the overall assignments. Just the other day i went in and reorganized my wiki, and put all my rough drafts and final drafts of papers in one folder. Since our last meeting I would say I don't have any polished texts and I have to polish all of my proverbial silver. Fun weekend coming up. Microsoft Word has become my greatest ally in the fight against grammatical errors. An i or an apostrophe is always not captialized or non-existant in my writings. I have AIM and myspace to blame for that one. Other than my grammer, my revisions aren't much different than my first drafts. I usually do a good job of addressing my audience and my purpose, but as we talked about I still need to expand ideas and complete my thoughts. Roughly I spend about an hour or so writing these drafts every draft, so roughly I would spend about 3 to 4 hours writing for this class alone. Not to mention my learning stratgies class which I have become so demoralized to write papers for that "teacher" that I hardly bother with answering her written responses. Besides the point, This weekend will be spent writing. About 6 hours or so.

Participation I don't believe I have much trouble in. I dont respond to every single question asked, but I feel like when I do respond it helps the progress of the presentation. Or sometimes to just give comic relief. I feel like I have gone beyond the bare minimum standards, but not over zealous in those attempts.

My articles however are a different story. I will admit I haven't brought my A game to the writing table. I've been up late writing almost every one so the rushing to finish has definitely affected its potiential. As we discussed, if I just take the time to write out what my mind automatically sees when im writing my story will come together very nicely.

-Originally made by

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Writing to analyze Blog

We still have to start and finish our video. We need to get a camera and probally one shot the entire video today after class. I have half completed ideas and camera angles that would be used in the movie, but more than likely the video will take all day/night.

Chapter 13 PRP

This chapter was mainly about creating a structurally sound essay, and by developing ideas within paragraphs. The section on switching to a new paragraph I found most helpful, because over the years of writing finding where to stop and start ideas has always bee a challenge for me. To have those tips on concluding my ideas into seperate paragraphs will be most valuable to me. The connective words section is bennificial, but as I was reading it seemed that too much of these types of words will just make fragmented and run-on sentences.
My main weakness in writing is explination and detail. In my stories I will touch on idas, but I don't usually go into depth in explaining everything. This leaves the story vauge and not very descriptive. While rereading the peice, I will read the lines and my mind automatically fills in the gaps my story leaves. To define this, I write in more of a note taking format rather than a story telling one. I need the most work on this part of writing.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Writing to analyze

I am doing envriomental conservation for my analysis. I dont know much about the subject, but my group has narrowed that subject to just pollution. Many people complain about pollution yet do nothing about it. Im talking of trash of course, and the occasional homeless. Picking these things off the streets will give an overall uplifting spirit that people can benifit from.

We are sticking mainly to the internet for resorces because its fast and easy. Mainly we would be searching for statistics and data on percent of daily, and annually waste produced by just our country alone. Rumor has it we are the world most wasteful society, is this a title we as americans wish to keep?